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    Salutare dragi colegi

    Inscrierea echipei pe spdoracing aduce un beneficiu enorm echipei noatre desi acelasi Team tag S - R .
    Aici poti gasi toate datele necesare si timpi in fiecare campionat participat

    Clic pe acest link si ai acces la toate informatiile necesare ce tine de timp si locatie.

    Baza de date a echipei SEGRA RACING

    Inca o informatie utile pentru Super GT.

    Clic pe acest link si ai acees la baza de date actualizata la fiecare minut.
    Views: 10931 | Added by: alinutzu05cookieTEAM | Date: 2012-01-09 | Comments (17)

    GT3 Touring Car Cup[size=10]

    Calendar .

    Round - Track - Length - Q Date - R Date
    Round 0. Blackwood GP - BL1 - 2 Hours - 12/3/2011

    Round 1. South City Town Course - SO5 - 3 Hours - 1/7/2012 - 1/14/2012

    Round 2. Kyoto National - KY2 - 4 Hours - 2/4/2012 - 2/11/2012
    Qualifying Day: January 7th 16:30 UTC
    Superpole: January 7th 17:00 UTC
    Race: January 14th 17:00 UTC
    This race will be 4 hours.

    Round 3. Aston Classic Boot w/ GT3 Chicane - AS25.c - 3 Hours- 2/25/2012 - 3/3/2012

    Round 4. Westhill International Reversed - WE1r - 3 Hours - 3/17/2012 - 3/24/2012

    Round 5. Fern Bay Classic w/o Loop - FE25r w/o loop - 4 Hours - 4/14/2012 - 4/21/2012

    Round 6. AS71r alt - 6 hours - 5/5/2012 - 5/12/2012

    For dates: Month/Day/Year
    ... Read more »
    Views: 1475 | Added by: alinutzu05cookieTEAM | Date: 2012-01-07 | Comments (0)

    Calendar si Rezultate

    Super GT Series 2012

    Caledar :

    Below is the schedule for the inaugural season of the LFS Super GT Series. After some discussion among prospective teams, we have decided to host the races on Sunday evenings (European time), beginning at 17:00 UTC.

    Raceday Schedule:

    17:00: Qualifying Heat Race begins
    17:30: Break to determine eligible teams
    17:40: 20-minute official qualifying session (separate servers)
    18:00: All teams rejoin primary server
    18:10: Gridding
    18:15: Feature Race begins

    Season Schedule:

    Round 1 - November 6, 2011 - Aston Grand Prix (AS5) - Clear Day
    Qual: Hotlap Pre-Qual
    Main: 34 laps

    Round 2 - November 20, 2011 - Blackwood Reversed (BL1R) - Cloudy Sunset
    Q: 27 laps
    M: 80 laps

    Round 3 - December 4, 2011 - South City Long (SO4 ... Read more »
    Views: 6062 | Added by: alinutzu05 | Date: 2009-12-06 | Comments (8)

    World Time Zones
    GTM (+2:00)


    ... Read more »
    Views: 5595 | Added by: alinutzu05 | Date: 2009-05-15 | Comments (4)

    Atentie toate aceste skinuri se vad bine doar pe masinile originale.

                                           Formula BMW FB02


                            &nb ... Read more »

    Views: 2256 | Added by: alinutzu05 | Date: 2009-05-15 | Comments (6)

    Urez bun venit noilor membri din Segra Racing :

     [S-R]pilu     [S-R]cookie   [S-R]darius    
            ... Read more »
    Views: 1698 | Added by: alinutzu05 | Date: 2009-05-15 | Comments (1)

    Views: 1982 | Added by: alinutzu05 | Date: 2009-05-15 | Comments (7)